Should I Winterize My Pool in Atlanta?

Posted on: October 3rd, 2016 by

Pool Closing and Pool Winterization in Atlanta

To winterize or not to winterize your pool? At Allen Pool Service Atlanta, we get asked this question a lot. After all, we live in Atlanta, so it is not like it is Chicago where temperatures don’t get above freezing in the winter. So, some may believe that proper winter pool closing is not as critical here in Georgia.

The answer to pool winterization is really around the level of risk you can tolerate. While Atlanta, compared to a lot of places in the U.S., is considered mild, it can get cold here. It is not uncommon in the winter months to get freezing temperatures and even some snowfall. In fact, our average low temperatures, December through February, are in the 30s. Freezing temperatures are very much within the realm of possibility in metro Atlanta and if you have not adequately closed your pool, you may experience swimming pool damage.

Winterizing One’s Pool

Winterizing your swimming pool does have many advantages. The main benefit is that you will not have to worry about pool damage and repair – especially if you have our team of professional pool winterizing specialists handle your pool closing.  Another big advantage you have to properly closing your pool is savings on your electricity bill. When you close your pool you won’t need the pumps running as the water level is taken 8” to 12” below your water intakes, the pumps are drained, and all the lines are cleared using an air compressor. Also, if you cover your pool after winterizing, which you should do, you will not have any issues with stains forming on the bottom of the pool. In fact, if Allen Pool Atlanta handles your pool closing and we discover your cover is in need of repair or replacement, we will immediately provide you an estimate and get it taken care of at your request. Additionally, during the winter months, we will still continue to balance your pool chemicals as well as brush and vacuum to help ensure it stays in great condition during the off-season.

Of course, the other option is the not close your pool.  If you do leave you pool open, we would recommend you install freeze sensors on your pumps. These help ensure that when the temperature drops below freezing, that the pump turns on and circulates water. After all, flowing water cannot freeze. And, you will need to keep up on cleaning and vacuuming along with the assorted maintenance work.

How to Use This Information

For us, personally, we say it is just better to close your pool in the winter. Then you can enjoy peace of mind during the cooler months and open it back up in the spring and enjoy you pool. After all, it is better to enjoy it at opening versus facing some costly repair as a result of freeze damage. If you would like to schedule your pool closing, call us at (770) 451-1621 or reach us online.

Request a Quote

Please call (770) 451-1621 to request pool winterization by Allen Pool Service in Atlanta.

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