Sometimes, it can be difficult to justify the cost of a commercial pool renovation. There are strict standards to be met depending on your industry, and having the pool out of operation for the duration of the renovation costs you money. However, there are also a number of benefits to commercial pool renovation that must be considered. While the downsides may seem convincing, the return on a quality commercial pool renovation is actually pretty incredible.
From a customer standpoint, an outdated, run-down commercial pool is not appealing. Because of this, you are less likely to have patrons using the pool if you’re well past due for a renovation. Working with a trusted company to renovate your commercial pool on time and on a budget can make a world of difference for your customers or members, and with increased appeal comes increased use and an overall more positive customer experience.
Offering a pool is a highly sought-after amenity for many. It’s the kind of perk that feels luxurious and offers a unique respite from the rest of life. Whether it’s mainly utilized for relaxation or sport, pools provide something that few other amenities can. Because of this, a renovated pool allows you to provide better, and often safer service for your customers, tenants, etc. And with better service comes a better reputation and a higher likelihood of word-of-mouth positive referrals.
A newly renovated pool is, essentially, a new pool altogether. If you’ve worked with a reputable company for the renovation, your investment is a sound one. With an older pool in need of renovation, you’re likely to pay smaller amounts significantly more often to patchwork repairs for the slowly-disintegrating quality of your existing pool. Over time, those repairs add up to far more than the original renovation cost would have been if you’d gone that route when the pool first needed it. Going with a trusted company for your commercial pool renovation actually saves you money over time.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – pools are great for property value. A well-designed, well-kept pool heightens your property value considerably. This is true of both residential and commercial pools. If you have in mind to sell your commercial property at some point in the future, the addition or renovation of a pool can only lead to a better selling price, and can sometimes be the feature that entices a buyer to choose your building over another – even with the higher price tag attached.
Commercial pool renovation can certainly be a costly endeavor, but the benefits far outweigh the project cost, from overall building experience to the bottom-line hard numbers that keep your business working. If you’re ready to heighten your property value, provide a better experience for your customers/tenants, and save yourself some money, give us a call at 770-451-1621 or schedule a free consultation.
Please call (770) 451-1621 to request pool winterization by Allen Pool Service in Atlanta.
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