Did you know that a major part of a swimming pool renovation is new decking? As a result, part of maintaining your pool is maintaining the decking around it, but, because it’s not the main event, this step can often be forgotten, or neglected. Unfortunately, a pool deck that isn’t properly maintained can lead to issues for your home as well as the pool. So, if you don’t already have a solid strategy to maintain the decking around your pool, we’re here to help.
If you haven’t already invested in one, you’ll want to have a pressure washer on hand. It’s not the cheapest piece of cleaning equipment you’ll ever buy, but it’s worth it in the long run. Considering you’re probably planning on having that pool around for years to come, it’s a small price to pay to ensure that the decking around your pool is cleaned and in good condition so it can continue to support your pool’s overall health and cleanliness as well.
Before you clean the deck, you’ll want to remove any chairs, tables, plants, and decor that are on the deck. This will give you the best chance at fully cleaning your pool’s decking and will allow you to use a little more pressure. It also gives you the opportunity to reimagine your pool’s decoration scheme, and move some things around to freshen up the look of your pool. While you’re at it, pressure-cleaning the decking around your pool is something you should wait to do until your pool is drained. Whether that’s a standard semi-annual drain or you’re closing up shop on the pool for the winter, ensuring your pool is drained before your take to pressure cleaning the deck will give you the proper clean.
The pressure washer will do most of the work, but you might want to consider having additional cleaning tools on hand to help you tackle trouble spots and handle areas that the pressure washer just can’t navigate with the nuance you need it to. In addition to the pressure washer, you might have some scrubs or brushes to help, and you will definitely want a washing liquid, in order to remove any bacteria or algae buildup that may have occurred. Sometimes, water alone simply doesn’t do the trick.
We know that being gentle and “pressure washer” might not intuitively go hand in hand, but the key here is to make sure you’re not using the pressure washer on full-blast. A milder setting will often do the trick, and remember it’s easier to take things up a notch if it’s not cleaning as deeply as desired than it is to undo damage a too-powerful pressure wash might do to your pool and decking.
Maintaining the decking around your pool is a key element of pool maintenance, even though it may not immediately seem like it belongs on the list. At the end of the day your pool, and anything pool-adjacent, requires care, cleaning, and attention year-round in order to keep your pool in good condition and to avoid the recurring need for repairs or even replacement.
Please call (770) 451-1621 to request pool winterization by Allen Pool Service in Atlanta.
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