Subject to both tornadoes and hurricanes, Atlanta experiences its share of disasters and then some. The consequences can be expensive, and that’s why you have insurance.
As an outdoor fixture, your pool can be exposed to the worst of any disaster, but does your insurance cover pool repair after a disaster? Typically, the answer is yes, but there are some situations where insurance might not cover pool repair. Here are some things that might affect your ability to get pool renovation covered by your insurance.
As part of your property, your pool is likely covered under your homeowner’s insurance policy. However, it’s also a very pricey item that is outdoors and separate from your house. Some insurers might look at it as a separate risk. They might either not cover it at all, requiring a separate policy or cover it with a rider that has different terms from the rest of your insurance. Other times, coverage for your pool might have been too expensive, causing you to opt out of pool coverage.
Check the terms of your policy to see whether your pool is covered.
The most common reason why insurance might not cover your pool repair is if the disaster is among those excluded by your insurance.
The most common of these is flood. Most homeowner’s insurance policies don’t cover flood. If you want coverage for flood damage to your pool, you probably need specific flood insurance. The unfortunate reality is that your insurance company will likely argue that any damage that occurred at the time flooding occurred is due to flooding and you might have to argue for it to be covered.
Insurance doesn’t generally like to pay to replace old and worn equipment with brand-new pool equipment. If the damaged parts of your pool are very old, it will reduce the amount of compensation your insurance company will pay for repairs, sometimes down to nothing.
The reduction of payment will depend on the expected lifetime of the pool equipment. It doesn’t matter if the pool equipment is still functional and “in good shape.” If it’s outlived its expected lifespan, insurance might not pay.
Just as insurance companies don’t like to pay for old pool equipment, they also don’t want to pay for equipment that broke because it was poorly maintained. When an insurance adjuster arrives to inspect your pool for the claim, they will look at the state of the pool and equipment. If they determine that the pool wasn’t properly maintained, they will recommend reducing the claim, sometimes down to nothing. If you don’t have maintenance records for your pool, you might find it hard to dispute the insurance adjuster’s recommendation.
It’s a good idea to get professional repairs for your pool and pool equipment, even if think it’s something that you can repair. If you didn’t get professional repairs and you did what the insurance adjuster considers an improper repair, the adjuster might deny your claim.
The adjuster might claim that the damage to your pool and/or equipment is due not to the disaster, but to your improper repairs. It can be hard to overcome this judgement, although it’s not impossible.
Modern storm forecasting generally gives enough warning to prepare for many impending disasters. Warnings about the path of Hurricane Helene, for example, were available for several days before it hit. Your insurance company will expect you to take adequate preparations to protect your swimming pool from hurricane damage, and if you don’t, your claim might be reduced or denied.
Often, the recommended preparations might come years in advance of the storm. When you first got your policy, a representative of the insurance company might have toured your home and made suggestions about how to reduce risks on your property. They might, for example, recommend removing a dead tree, and if you don’t, they might deny claims for damage related to that tree falling.
Another reason why insurance companies might deny your claim is if you don’t present adequate documentation. They will want you to first document the property, then the damage, and, finally, the necessary repairs.
For example, they might not want to pay for replacement of a fancy pool-cleaning robot if you can’t present receipts for its purchase or show that it was damaged beyond repair.
Keep receipts for pool equipment, take extensive photos documenting damage to the pool and equipment, and work with a reputable pool service company to make sure all repairs are documented to the satisfaction of your insurer.
If your pool was damaged in a recent disaster, Allen Pool stands ready to help you get your pool back in good shape for you to enjoy. Since 1972, we’ve been helping pool owners in the Atlanta area enjoy their pools with a minimum amount of hassle. We offer a full range of pool service, including pool repairs and pool renovations. We can handle any damage your pool has suffered in recent disasters. We can also provide the documentation your insurance company will need to pay your claim.
For help restoring your pool after a disaster in Atlanta, please contact Allen Pool today.
Please call (770) 451-1621 to request pool winterization by Allen Pool Service in Atlanta.
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